Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Back In Business

Hey Now!

Roughly 5 and a half months after my last post, I have decided to grace all 3 of my faithful readers with an update.
There were a combination of factors that led to my disturbing lack of updates, but none more important than the fact that I had no computer. Wait, that's not entirely true. I had one the whole time, it just didn't work. To put it in modern technological jargon, the thing was completely f***ed up. And, much to my surprise, I found that it is quite impossible to update a website without a computer.

Long story short, I'm back with a working computer, and will resume updating the blog on a fairly regular basis. I won't commit to any kind of schedule or promise daily updates or anything, but I will try and put new stuff up whenever I can.

Coming next time, a list of the funniest things in the world.

Welcome back!
Looking forward to your contributions to this crazy cyber-universe.
A list of the funniest things in the world, eh? Sounds like a big task. Can't wait to check it out.
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