Wednesday, July 13, 2005



So, apparently I have been tagged by my brother over at his blog. I have never heard of this before, nor am I really sure what it entails. According to him, I am to remove the blog at #1 from the list on his page and add mine to the #5 spot. Then I list five things I miss from my childhood, and then finally, I tag some others in return to keep things moving.

Let me make one thing clear straight away: My brother sucks. Because not only has he already tagged the only other 2 people I know who have blogs (hence preventing me from keeping this whole process moving), but the f***er has also stolen most of my childhood memories!!!

Nevertheless, I shall persevere. Here is the list...

Cannot Be Trusted
Every Passing Moment
Sixty Seconds
Always the Last In Line
The Shallow End of the Pool

The five things I miss from my childhood:

1. The complete lack of responsibility. Is it nice owning my own home? Of course. But when I was a kid I didn't have to worry about paying my mortgage every month.

2. "Thee Arcade". That second "e" is not a typo. Thee Arcade was just down the block from school, and me and Jimmy Hall would pop in every day, get change from "Pops," and spend the afternoon playing "Double Dragon."

3. Imagine That Bookstore. I used to ride my bike over to this old bookstore every weekend to buy my comics. Immediately upon entering the store, that wonderful musty old smell of thousands of used paperbacks would wash over you. You just don't get that smell at Borders.

4. My early comic book collection. After many years of collecting, the sheer volume of comics became overwhelming, and I only read most of them once. But in those early days, I would read them over and over and over again. I know those issues of "Amazing Spider-Man" and "Uncanny X-Men" by heart.

5. The Commodore 128. That Bruce Lee game ruled.

As I said, I know of no one else to tag in return. I guess that's seven years bad luck for me.

Sorry, bro. Let's call it payback for the whole Pac-man debacle from all those years back.

But it looks like you came up with some great memories of your own. That Bruce Game did rule. I loved that one person could be Bruce and the other guy could play the goons. Great stuff.
Man, I had completely forgotten that another person could play the goons! Now it rules even more!
that's so sweet. brother-tagging! :)

- sorry i'm the original sender.

(but btw, there's no bad karma for stopping the chain...)
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